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Working Herts

How to spend eight hours of your day making the world a better place AND get paid for it!

October 9, 2023

Sounds like the impossible dream, huh?

Well, actually no. There are literally hundreds of organisations, right on your doorstep that do just that, 365 days of the year. Their whole aim and purpose is to make everyone’s life a little better. Some need more assistance than others, some groups need more care, and there are elements of the community, that you live in, that can “fall through the cracks” all too easily.

People of all ages and social groups need help and assistance at one time or another and there is a huge “army” of people working for Voluntary, Community, Faith or Social Enterprise group #VCFSE in Hertfordshire alone.

All of these people have in common that when they awake of a morning; they know that TODAY they will have another opportunity to make a difference to someone’s life, for the better.

A consortium of local charitable organisations, known as “Councils for Voluntary Services “CVS” across Hertfordshire have worked together to launch a brand new jobs website, specifically aimed at working for these types of organisations that strive to support, encourage, empower and develop the communities and people around them.

Working Herts supports the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector, providing advice, guidance, networking opportunities and resources for more effective partnerships with local organisations and groups.

Have a look at the WORKING HERTS website and see what is on offer. Save it to your favourites and keep visiting regularly, as all of the local member organisations have the ability to post and update all of their vacancies ALL THE TIME.

VOLUNTEERING = FREE TRAINING? Yes, apparently, and all you have to give in return is a bit of your time, possibly a bit of effort. There are thousands of volunteer roles in Hertfordshire alone. If you are thinking of changing career but want to “try before you buy” then you can do exactly that. Free training for the role you want, not the one you have. You can call us on 01442 247209 or email

You can also pop in to see us in the Roundhouse – the round building outside Boots in Hemel town centre. We are open Monday-Friday 10am-3pm.

If you’re not based in Hemel, we also have outreach sessions in Tring on the first Friday of the month, and in Berkhamsted on the second Tuesday of the month – get in touch to find out more!

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