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Enhance Your Employability by Volunteering 

May 20, 2024

In today’s competitive job market, standing out from the crowd is crucial. One often overlooked way to boost your employability is through volunteering. While the primary motivation for volunteering is to contribute to a greater cause, the benefits extend far beyond altruism. Here are some ways that volunteering can give your career a competitive edge: 

Skills Development: Volunteering provides a platform to develop both hard and soft skills valued by employers. From digital marketing to teamwork abilities, volunteer roles offer opportunities to hone existing talents and acquire new ones. These experiences demonstrate your drive for continuous learning and improvement. 

Networking Opportunities: The connections formed while volunteering can be invaluable professional resources. You’ll work alongside individuals from diverse backgrounds, opening doors for mentorship, career advice, and potential job leads. A strong network is an asset in any field. 

Resume Enhancement: Employment gaps and a sparse resume can make it challenging to land interviews. Volunteer work fills these voids, showcasing your initiative and relevant skills. Thoughtfully curated volunteer experiences signal your commitment to professional growth. 

Personal Growth: Stepping outside your comfort zone through volunteering breeds self-confidence and a sense of accomplishment. It also expands your worldview by exposing you to different cultures and communities. Employers value candidates who exhibit empathy, resilience, and a willingness to embrace new challenges. 

Employers’ Perspective: Companies increasingly prioritize corporate social responsibility (CSR) and seek employees who align with their values. Your volunteer experiences demonstrate you are a community-minded team player – an attribute that can make your application stand out.  

By dedicating time to volunteering, you invest in your local community while simultaneously investing in yourself and your career. Don’t overlook this valuable opportunity to cultivate new skills, connections, and experiences that can propel you towards your professional goals. 

To get started you can call us on 01442 247209 or email or pop in to see us in the Roundhouse – the round building outside Boots in Hemel town centre. We are open Monday-Friday 10am-3pm.  

If you are not based in Hemel, we also have outreach sessions in Tring on the first Friday of the month, Kings Langley on the 2nd Wednesday and in Berkhamsted on the third Tuesday of the month – get in touch to find out more 

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